Let’s just say even Oprah had to learn how to be authentic. Branding is all about discovering who you are and how you want your business to be portrayed. Yes your logo identity, design and visual brand come into play, but this is all about the personal aspect of branding. Which we all obsess over… let’s admit it.
Have you heard of the saying that goes “your vibe attracts your tribe”? It’s everywhere, so I am sure you have. But this is real and true in business too. If you wear a mask, or try to be someone you aren’t, you will attract the clients that you may not necessarily want. In other words, it’s likely having a negative impact on your business and your overall brand.
It’s pretty simple, be who you are. Maybe don’t bare your soul and share your deepest darkest secrets. Show up, be proud of what you represent, and honour what you offer. Speak your truth, whether you’re first meeting a client, posting on social media or even writing your website copy.
Take a good hard look at your business and your brand. Does it truly represent YOU? Are you being fully truthful and real as to what you are putting out there? Let’s stop hiding behind false personas and create more REAL, human brands.
You have heard me talk about finding your visual voice but how about your actual voice? These go hand in hand. How do you communicate with your followers and clientele? Again – be you and don’t overthink it! (I know – easier said then done!) Speak to your audience the same way you would to a friend. It’s okay to be slightly informal, real, upbeat, funny or serious. Allow others to relate to you and know that you’re real, too. You want your audience to feel like they’re getting to know you not getting a sales pitch.
I struggle with my posts, blogs and everything else that goes along with social media. I think as an entrepreneur this is only normal. We are human and will have certain areas in our business that are more difficult than others. I read an article recently that talked about how powerful stories are. We all want to feel like we can connect with others, even through a screen. So no matter what your business is, no matter the industry, tell your story. The importance of this form of authenticity through story telling can truly inspire others to take action and start a conversation.
I think it’s pretty obvious how being truly authentic in your branding is full of pros and will empower you to succeed even more. It’s a win win. It’s easier. Instead of putting on a mask and being someone you’re not. You can just relax, and be you. No need to shout or try to be louder than others. Just be and people will lean in to get more.